C-97 "Angel of Deliverance" Progress

UPDATE 6/2015

On June 29, 2015

#3 was started making all engines running at this time.  Not many items remain before flight.



On December 27, 2014  #1, 2, and 4 engines were started and run.  They all ran well.

A video of this is located here:


While the poor economy left a few holes in the 2009 C-54 “Spirit of Freedom” event schedule, Foundation Volunteers didn’t rest that much over this past year. During those lulls in activity, much important progress was made on our C-97 “Angel of Deliverance” in order to make her ready for flight.


1. Windows: Many of the Lexan windows in the cockpit have been buffed and polished out, removing small imperfections that could make visibility difficult. Several are in need of outright replacement and we are searching for either NOS re placements or an outfit to manufacture new ones.


2. Flight Controls: All of the Flight Controls, with the exception of the rudder, were in bad shape and have been removed and

transported to North Carolina to be recovered. They are expected to be returned soon and reattached to the airplane.


3. Engine: A replacement R-4360-59B engine has been hung in the #3 position. We are waiting for replacement hoses and

other fluid carrying lines to be replaced before we begin waking it up.


4. Hoses: All non metal fluid carrying lines and hoses are slated to be replaced on each engine. A complete set is now ready

to be shipped out to be used as a template for 4 new sets.



Once all of these items are completed, engines can be started and systems checked. What will be remaining is cosmetic, installing our Cold War exhibit inside, and crew training. Your support is what’s needed to make it happen!



















Foundation Maintenance Volunteers secure the large R4360 powerplant to the

#3 position of the C-97 with the assistance of our Grove Carry Deck Crane.



Landing Gear Retraction test.

Several Foundation Maintenance volunteers gathered in historic Hangar B at Floyd Bennett Field in NY to continue our work on Boeing C-97G 52-2718's initial airworthiness inspection.  This particular day saw the C-97 up on jacks with landing gear tests and emergency extension training for some of our crew.

Pictures by Kevin Kearney

Setting the jacks.  We used 6 of them! It took some coordination to keep the airplane level as she went up.

And she's just high enough to conduct the tests.

Nose gear retraction

Up she goes!

Right main gear fully retracted, and looking in, you can see there's not much room in there for stowaways!


And there you have it!


It takes 11 seconds for the main gear to retract, but, with the help of gravity, only about 3.5 seconds to extend,

and that's without a slipstream. Man that's fast!


NOVEMBER 17, 2007